Great joint win by school students

Great joint win by school students

Staff and students from Brookman Primary School, one of the winners of the City of Gosnells Community Kids Award.

Campbell Primary School in Canning Vale and Brookman Primary School in Langford were announced this week as joint winners of the City of Gosnells Community Kids Award.

Part of the city’s annual Safe City Awards it recognises the contribution young people make in their classrooms, schools and communities.

It was the second year Campbell Primary School has been recognised having won the award last year too.

Campbell Primary was awarded for its efforts to educate students, teachers and families about safe online practices, how to use technology properly and how to report unsafe situations.

An added benefit of the program was the communication generated between parents, carers and teachers.

Brookman Primary was recognised for its program of proactive initiatives to boost students’ positive development and wellbeing.

As part of the coordinated approach this year students participated in cyber safety awareness and the Kids Matter health and wellbeing program.

Brookman Primary principal Hans Geers said the school was flattered to have received the award.

“It is wonderful that the city acknowledges the work we do,” he said.

“We help build better citizens so as to strengthen our broader community.”

Mr Geers said it was a massive year for the school, which won a number of awards and received a $5000 federal grant.

He said winning the Safe City Award capped off a busy, productive and rewarding year.

City of Gosnells mayor Glenn Dewhurst said entries for the award were inspiring.

“Both these schools have introduced important programs to keep young people in our community safe, both online and in the real world,” he said.

Originally the city had planned to award a $1000 first prize and an $800 second prize but each school received a $1000 prize.

The City of Gosnells Safe City Awards recognise individuals and groups, which make the City a safer place to be, through crime prevention, community safety programs or programs that promote caring for our environment.

Winners for the Safe City Community Initiative Award and Constable Peter Ball Memorial Youth Award will be announced at the city’s Australia Day Big Breakfast in January.