Governor-General visits Gosnells

Governor-General visits Gosnells

The Governor-General of Australia, Sam Mostyn and City of Gosnells Mayor Terresa Lynes and Deputy Mayor Serena Williamson, with Councillors Balli Singh, Saiful Islam, Emma Zhang, Caren Baayens and Kylie Dalton.

In her first community visit to Western Australia since being sworn in, the Governor-General of Australia, Sam Mostyn, visited Gosnells last week to attend a special event held in her honour.

Under the shade of the trees outside the City of Gosnells Civic Centre, the event marked the Governor-General’s first stop on a series of community visits across the state.

The morning tea gave the Governor-General the opportunity to meet and greet with local student leaders and community members from a variety of groups, including CALD and faith-based groups, football teams, the Women’s Shed, First Nations communities, environmental and Landcare organisations, small businesses, and community leaders.

Other special guests included the City of Gosnells Mayor and Councillors, along with the Mayors of Armadale, Canning, Victoria Park, and WALGA President Karen Chappel.

During the event, the Governor-General addressed guests on a wide range of topics, including the importance of community and local government, diversity, the environment and her priorities of caring, kindness, and respect.

The Governor-General of Australia, Her Excellency Sam Mostyn AC, greets Thornlie Senior High School students Tayla Denton and Caitlyn Gittos with Principal Donna McDonald.

Gosnells’ Mayor Terresa Lynes, who hosted the event, said it was a privilege to welcome the Governor-General to the City.

“Her Excellency has a wealth of experience and knowledge, particularly in sport and sustainability, so her visit was a wonderful opportunity for some of our community members who work and volunteer in these spaces,” she said.

“The City of Gosnells is a rapidly-growing and diverse community, with many exciting projects underway across our suburbs. This visit by the Governor-General was an opportunity to showcase our community and reflect on our bright future.”

The Governor-General speaking at the Gosnells Civic Centre Gardens last week, addressed local community leaders, residents, and groups.

According to the Governor-General’s team, she was “struck by the unmistakable warmth of community and connection” of the people of Gosnells.

The Governor-General of Australia is the representative of King Charles III, responsible for carrying out ceremonial duties and supporting the functioning of the Australian government.

Ms Mostyn was officially sworn in as the Governor-General of Australia on July 1 this year, becoming just the second woman to hold the role.