Free weed workshop

Free weed workshop


Landholders in the Peel Harvey region are being urged to weed out invasive plants before they go to seed in the heat of summer.

To help with this task, the Peel Harvey Biosecurity Group (PHBG) is hosting a free weed identification workshop to help landholders achieve more effective long-term weed control.

“Spring is an active time for weeds, so landholders should monitor for any new growth of declared weeds,” PHBG Executive Officer Teele Hooper-Worrell said.

“Correct identification of these weeds on your property can lead to more effective control measures, saving you time, money, and effort in achieving long-term results.”

PHBG focuses on six priority declared weeds, chosen based on community feedback regarding their impact on local agriculture and natural systems. These weeds—cotton bush, Cape tulip, arum lily, Paterson’s curse, apple of Sodom, and blackberry—are all actively growing during spring. Among them, only blackberry is non-toxic, while the others pose potentially lethal risks to pets and livestock.

Landholders unsure about the weeds on their property or those wanting to learn more about weed identification can reserve a spot at PHBG’s upcoming Weed ID and Advice workshop. This event will take place in Ravenswood on the morning of September 26. Two experts will lead the session, offering guidance on weed identification and assisting attendees with identifying weed samples they bring along.

All attendees will receive a copy of the Southern Weeds and Their Control booklet—the perfect companion for weed identification and management. This resource helps landholders accurately identify weeds and provides recommended physical and chemical control options for common local species.

If landholders already know what they’re dealing with, PHBG can help with that too. The group offers integrated weed management advice and has a variety of weed control equipment that is free to loan for local landholders. It can be booked by visiting the PHBG website and filling out the equipment reservation form.

Landholders who would like more information or to register for the Weed ID and Advice Workshop can visit PHBG’s website at