Crime Wrap | Bikie gang members charged, spate of car break-ins and...

Crime Wrap | Bikie gang members charged, spate of car break-ins and an aggravated robbery at an IGA

Wads of cash found at a home in Mt Helena in March led to the arrest of a 35-year-old senior member of the Gypsy Jokers last week.

Bikie gang members charged

Two luxury cars and hundreds of thousands of dollars have been seized this week in two separate local stings, with detectives from the Gang Crime Squad charging both presidents of the Hells Angels and Gypsy Joker outlaw motorcycle gangs.

In August 2024, detectives commenced an investigation into the alleged property laundering activities of the Hells Angels Outlaw Motor Cycle Gang (HAOMCG) in Perth.

On Wednesday last week officers arrested a 52-year-old senior member of the HAOMCG and an 18-year-old patched member of the gang.

The 52-year-old Piara Waters man was charged with one count of ‘Failed Within 7 Days, to Give the Commissioner Notice of a New Address’ and one count of ‘Property Laundering’.

The 18-year-old Piara Waters man was charged with one count of ‘Property Laundering’ and three counts of ‘Possessed a Prohibited Drug’.

Both men are due to appear before the Rockingham Magistrates Court on 27 December.

In March, officers from the Gang Crime Squad – with assistance of several other specialist units – executed six simultaneous search warrants in the metropolitan area, including the Gypsy Joker Clubhouse in Maddington.

During the warrants approximately $460,000 in cash was seized from a home in Mount Helena.

Detectives began an investigation into the origin of that cash and, as a result of inquiries, arrested a 35-year-old senior member of the Gypsy Joker Outlaw Motorcycle Gang last Thursday.

The 35-year-old Stoneville man has been charged with one count of ‘Property Laundering’.

He is due to appear before the Midland Magistrates Court on 3 January 2024.

Police investigate spate of car break-ins

Cannington Police are investigating numerous reports of car break-ins in the Shelley, Riverton, and Wilson areas, which occurred last week.

The investigations come after several local Facebook community groups lit up with reports from residents of car break-ins on the morning of Wednesday, December 4.

The complaints even provoked a Facebook post from Deputy Mayor and Liberal candidate for Riverton Amanda Spencer-Teo, who said she was heartbroken to hear of the incidents, especially so close to Christmas.

“It’s disappointing to see online that there have been a spate of incidents across Riverton, Rossmoyne and Shelley overnight where cars have been damaged, windows smashed and even Christmas presents stolen,” she said.

“Please make sure you report any incident or suspicious behaviour to WA Police. I know it sounds obvious, but often people post on social media but the reports aren’t made to WA Police. It’s not only vital that these incidents are investigated, but it’ll make sure police resources are invested into our area.”

On the same night, Cannington Police apprehended and charged a 21-year-old man after he was caught breaking into vehicles in Bentley.

Officers were responding to a call from the Bentley area when they allegedly caught the man red-handed.

After a brief foot chase and several fences jumped, the man was apprehended and charged with breaking into three vehicles, as well as possession of housebreaking implements.

He was refused bail and appeared before the magistrate on Wednesday, December 4.

Authorities are urging members of the public to report any suspicious activity to police at 131 444.

Teens Charged with aggravated robbery at local IGA

Cannington Detectives have charged a 17-year-old and an 18-year-old over an alleged aggravated robbery at an IGA in East Victoria Park last Wednesday, December 4.

It’s alleged that at around 1 pm, the youths were in the grocery store, located on Albany Highway, when they attempted to leave without paying for several items.

Once the owner of the grocery store asked the youths to return the items, it’s alleged a physical altercation occurred, during which the owner was assaulted, sustaining bruising and swelling to his face.

Both teenagers have been charged with aggravated robbery.

The 18-year-old will appear in the Perth Magistrates Court, while the 17-year-old is due to appear in the Perth Children’s Court on Friday, December 20.