Bowling jackpot as club hits 50

Bowling jackpot as club hits 50

Tony Churcher, Thornlie Bowling Club director Rick Scupham and Laurie Curtis are excited about the club reaching 50 years. Photograph — Matt Devlin.
Tony Churcher, Thornlie Bowling Club director Rick Scupham and Laurie Curtis are excited about the club reaching 50 years. Photograph — Matt Devlin.

Thornlie Bowling Club will celebrate its 50th birthday with a free open day on Sunday.
Club treasurer Martin Stewart hoped the open day would showcase the club to the City of Gosnells community.

“We want members of the community to come and have a look at the club, which is theirs just as much as it is ours,” he said.

“It’s a fantastic facility really and it’s there for people to come and enjoy and make new friends.

“Because it appeals to an older age group the club does act as a community hub for people, particularly those in their 60s and 70s.”

He said the club was also hoping to attract more people to the sport.

“Bowls is very good for people who are not in the peak of their sporting career,” he said.

“When you’re young you think you’re going to stay young forever but unfortunately you don’t so if you can get an interest in something you can play when you’re older then you can continue to play for quite some time.”

The open day festivities will begin at 9.30am on Sunday and include the chance to learn bowls, a junior game showcase and exhibits illustrating the club’s history.

There would also be morning tea and a sausage sizzle.

In the afternoon former and current members will play a game then share a meal.
For more information call 9459 9414 or visit