Q&A with candidate for Armadale Wendy Jeffery

Q&A with candidate for Armadale Wendy Jeffery

tograph — Matt Devlin.

What are the biggest issues facing your electorate and how will you combat them?

Safety and crime in the community – this of course will continue to be a focus for Armadale, and I am pushing for a 24/7 police station for the area, as it doesn’t make sense to have police responding from Cannington, and response times just aren’t adequate.  The new Justice Centre will commence work this year to house more police and increase our courts from 2 to 5, but we need action now.  Addressing antisocial behaviour and crime in the CBD is also a priority, to restore vibrancy and visitations to the area.

How will you improve job growth in the region?

The reason for standing at this election is because I see great potential for Armadale.  Creating events, ensuring we can cater for tourists through venues, dining options, accommodation and other services will bring prosperity to our people, encourage more investment, and mean more jobs.  Finishing road infrastructure projects will also encourage business investment in the area, and I would like to encourage a shift of Government departments out of Perth City and out to Armadale.  I would also like to upskill small businesses (over half are sole traders) in digital marketing and other essential skills so they can take advantage of the change in how people are searching for goods and services to help them grow and employ more people.

What’s your plan to improve the economy?

My campaign is about presenting a ‘new’ face of Armadale – one that many outside our electorate are only just discovering.  We are close to Perth City and have incredible natural attractions, great venues and facilities, as well as a vibrant community.  I believe that we have an incredible opportunity to improve the prosperity in the region by showcasing Armadale as a great place to live, work and visit.

What major infrastructure projects will you advocate for if elected?

I would work on the Denny Ave situation as a key priority, as well as ensuring that we are treating the source and not a symptom, by assessing all the feeder roads into the area and how they flow at peak times.  I know many residents are very frustrated by this road, so getting this resolved with the best use of funds would be the first item I would tackle.

I am also aware of the vital link Armadale Road plays in linking Armadale to Cockburn, so I would be working on the next step, whether it is the flyover bridge, light rail or other options to combat congestion and improve safety. 

How do you plan to address the meth crisis?

Meth is having such a devastating effect on families and it is an area the Liberal Government have focused a further $190m in funding to help address through more beds, helplines and dedicated medical services.  However, from our local forums on this issue and talking to many people, it is such a complex issue and requires a community response to even start to address.  I also want to work more with the not-for-profit sector to identify success stories such as Shalom House, to see if we can identify a model that can be customised and effective in getting people off this substance and turning their lives around, but to support these organisations to help more people.

What would be your first act if elected?

My first priority is to secure an increased police presence in Armadale, to help keep local families safe and secure with more police on the beat in and around Armadale’s CBD.  Our people, and visitors, must feel safe to walk through Jull St Mall to shop, dine, work or go to the movies or a local event.  We must revitalise this area and encourage business owners back to the area.  

What’s your favourite song, book and movie?

Favourite song: I am an 80s tragic. 

Favourite book: I am an avid reader, but I just read a Wilbur Smith classic from a 2nd hand book sale and loved it.

Favourite movie: ‘Forrest Gump’ and for its great messages for kids ‘Inside out’. 

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