A sustainable vision

A sustainable vision

Greens candidate for Thornlie Donna McAleese reflects on the growth of the suburb and envisions an environmentally friendly community.

Disability advocate, activist and Greens candidate for Thornlie Donna McAleese has a vision of a sustainable economy and environmentally friendly community hubs if elected at the March 11 state elections.

Born in East Fremantle Ms McAleese spent her childhood years in a number of suburbs and regional towns mostly in the southeastern corridor of Perth and the southern regions of WA.

She moved to Thornlie in November 1987 with her husband and three children and has lived there ever since.

“Thornlie has grown hugely in the time since we purchased our home,” she said.

“It has developed an increasingly a rich and diverse cultural landscape.

“Together, we form a wonderful mix of backgrounds and interests in the wider community.”

Ms McAleese said she looked forward to meeting with members of the Thornlie electorate and listening to their views.

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