Mayor’s Tesla car draws resident’s ire

Mayor’s Tesla car draws resident’s ire


Gosnells mayor Terresa Lynes now has a ratepayer funded Tesla car for her use, including personal use, provided by the City, according to Kenwick resident Leon Walker.

“It appears that no case or justification was put to council and debated in an open council meeting in the matter of a mayoral car,” he said in a letter to the editor.

“A sum for the purchase of the vehicle was included the budget presented to, and agreed on, at a special council meeting on July 4.

“It appears no questions were asked by councillors at the July 4 meeting or subsequently. This concerns me. Councillors are required to act in the interests of the community. Have they done so?”

He said Ms Lynes’ personal use of the vehicle was effectively an increase in her remuneration as mayor.

“I wonder how this sits with members of our community who are struggling to feed their families, pay their council rates, electricity, water, rent and mortgages?” he said.

“In my view, the matter of the purchase of a mayoral car lacks complete transparency. It stinks!”

CEO Ian Cowie said the Local Government (Administration) Regulations state a council may provide the mayor with use of a city vehicle in lieu of reimbursing them for costs associated with using their own vehicle.

“This recognises the extent of travel undertaken by mayors in fulfilling their roles,” he said.

“The purchase of a vehicle for use by the mayor was included in council’s 2023/24 budget which was unanimously approved by council.

“It is worth noting that nearly every large metropolitan local government has been providing a vehicle for use by their mayors for many years.”