Plans for Maddington intersection under way

Plans for Maddington intersection under way

The state government and Main Roads WA will carry out major upgrades to the intersection of Albany Highway, Kelvin Road, and Olga Rd.

The state government and Main Roads WA have announced plans to revamp one of Maddington’s busiest intersections.

The intersection of Albany Highway, Kelvin Road, and Olga Rd is set to undergo major changes, including pipe relocation works and intersection improvements.

Main Roads spokesperson Dean Roberts said the changes would improve the safety and efficiency of the intersection.

“Main Roads is currently undertaking detailed designs for the proposed upgrades,” Mr Roberts said.

“The upgrade work is expected to include widening, to provide separate left and right turn pockets on Albany Hwy.

“We aim to improve safety and traffic flow through this area, while maintaining access to the local businesses and residential properties.

“Initial engagement with the local property owners has taken place, and we will continue to engage with them in the detailed design stage.”

During the 2021 state election campaign, the McGowan Government committed $11.5 million to the project.

Works conducted by the Water Corporation will commence in mid-2021, and will take around four to six months to finish.

Main Roads will begin the redevelopment phase some time during the 2021/22 financial year, subject to all required approvals.