Students taught how to battle the bugs

Students taught how to battle the bugs

Huntingdale pre-primary students Ayisha Sameer and Emmanuel Ramof with Amanda Young Foundation founder Barry Young and teacher Karen Parker. Photograph — Aaron Van Rongen.

A book titled ‘Battle of the Bugs’ has prompted students in a local pre-primary class to think twice about germs and how they can be spread in the community.

Amanda Young Foundation founder Barry Young visited Huntingdale pre-primary students last week to deliver the Kiddy Canter program, a program about good hygiene practices.

Mr Young said the program, which started in 2010 had now been shared at nearly 600 daycare and pre-primary classes around Perth and some country towns.

“The aim is to teach young children the importance of good basic hygiene practices and to alert parents about the signs and symptoms of meningococcal disease and the importance of vaccinations,” he said.

“Prevention is far better than a cure with diseases such as meningococcal, hepatitis and glandular fever.”

Huntingdale Primary principal Edd Black said the students enjoyed the presentation and the feedback from the parents was very positive.

“These types of presentations help the conversation to continue and awareness to spread through our community,” he said.

“People dedicated to an important cause like this add so much information that supports families.

“Lorraine and Barry Young are true legends and their energy adds so much to the message they are sharing.”

For more information about the program visit the Amanda Young Foundation website.