Inspirational athlete

Inspirational athlete


Lynwood United under 16 player Chris Johnstone has overcome numerous challenges to win gold at the Special Olympics Australia Junior National Games.

The 15-year-old was born with a heart defect and required surgery at seven months old.

He was later diagnosed with an intellectual disability but nothing has stopped him from pursing his love of sport.

A four-goal haul in a 4-2 win last month saw him earn a gold medal for WA.

It was a special moment for the Johnstone family and they had reason to cheer when Chris added to his gold medal collection winning another gold in the 100m relay and shot put and a bronze in the long jump.

His mother Antonia Johnston said the family thought they would just go over for the experience never imagining her son would win.

“The fact that he played so well competing against other states, we were blown away with what he is capable of doing,” she said.

“Just watching Chris play out there, whether it was the football or even when he was just doing the athletics, we were really impressed.”

Ms Johnstone said her son is driven to prove people wrong.

“He even said to me I like to show off,” he said.

“I suppose in a way for him that’s like saying, I’m putting my talent and ability out there and he’ll just get out and do what he has to do.”

She said because he has an intellectual disability he’s had a lot of criticism growing up and has been put down but he tries to prove to himself and others that he can do anything.

Chris’ father Greg Johnston said football gave his son an outlet to explore his capabilities.

“He’s more determined doing things now,” he said.

In his second year of playing Chris won the Disabilities in Football Player Achievement award last year after exceeding expectations and moving into the mainstream team.

Football West inclusive participation officer Gordon Duus said he was proud of Chris and the team’s achievements.

“Theirs are the first Special Olympics gold medals for any WA player in our sport,” he said.

“This gives the WA team a special place in history.”

Mr Duus also coaches Chris at Lynwood United and said he was a committed player.

“He’s a fantastic player to work with,” he said.

“He is always trying to pick up the little things and improve himself.

“He’s the first person out there that I’ve spotted with a diagnosed intellectual disability who has made the effort to go in and join in amongst a talented development program which is filled with people from all playing levels.

“That’s what every coach wants and every club wants out of their players.

“They want their players to always aspire to do something the next game or training session, to always improve.”

Chris said he looks up to fellow Special Olympics footballer Chris Minutillo and hopes he can follow in his footsteps.