New signs placed along Shelley Foreshore

New signs placed along Shelley Foreshore

Grecian’s Spit was named after Canning River Residents Environment Association life member and volunteer Grecian Sandwell (pictured).

The Canning River Residents Environment Protection Association (CRREPA) is encouraging everyone to help look after the region’s ‘significant habitat’ sites.

Earlier this month, CRREPA installed new signs at four key sites – Wadjup Point, Grecian’s Spit, Shelley Lagoon and Sedgeland, and the Coastal Saltmarsh – along the Shelley Foreshore.

Each sign provides useful information regarding the environmental, historical, and social significance of the river.

Three of the signs were funded by the City of Canning, while the fourth was funded by the federal government.

CREEPA received grant funding last year, through the government’s Community Environment Project initiative.

CRREPA’s president, Stephen Johnston, said the signs would inform visitors about the benefits of the Shelley-Rossmoyne Management Plan.

“We are extraordinarily fortunate to have such a beautiful six-kilometre stretch of foreshore, which has great ecological values that need protection,” he said.

“Hundreds of volunteers of all ages have spent many thousands of hours, over the past 27 years, working to enhance the foreshore environment.

“We hope the signs will make people more aware and appreciative of the significant ecological values of the foreshore, and of the need to look after these areas.

“The community can do its part by joining CRREPA, supporting this volunteer effort, and, at the very least, by not damaging the natural vegetation – particularly in the ‘significant habitat’ areas.”

Head to CRREPA’s Facebook page for more information regarding the group’s efforts along the foreshore.