Winners are grinners

Winners are grinners

South Metropolitan TAFE’s 2016 Apprentice of the Year award winner Cameron Lennox.

Former Thornlie TAFE student Cameron Lennox won the South Metropolitan TAFE’s Apprentice of the Year Award at a ceremony held at Crown Perth on March 15.

The ceremony recognised the achievements of more than 50 students across a range of categories.

Mr Lennox studied his Certificate III in Engineering Mechanical Trade last year and said he had decided to study at South Metropolitan TAFE because he had heard from other apprentices it was the leading training facility in the state.

“The lecturers actually know what they’re talking about,” he said.

“They are passionate people who want to see you succeed.

“Winning this award means a lot to me and also gives recognition to my employer, the people I work with and my family as they’ve all supported, helped and pushed me to get here.”

Mr Lennox works for Cunningham Ag Services where he oversees all aspects of projects from development, costing, manufacturing to commissioning.

He was also a volunteer with the Moora Bush Fire Brigade and was now studying a Diploma of Engineering.

Mr Lennox hoped to complete a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering at university.