Teen wants park change

Teen wants park change

City of Gosnells Mayor Olwen Searle with Alicia and Mia Ward at the site of the proposed park. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

When teenager Alicia Ward wanted the park opposite her Gosnells home upgraded and enhanced she decided a petition to the City of Gosnells offered the best chance of getting the work done.

Fourteen-year-old Alicia and her sister Mia, 9, approached neighbours and people living in the area around Dowitcher Loop Reserve asking for their support.

She obtained 45 signatures for the petition, which asks the city to consider creating a community area and play park for the residents of Orchard Green Estate.

The petition was presented to council on July 11.

Alicia said she wanted somewhere for children to play, make new friends and stay safe.

“I thought it would be a good idea to ask people to sign a petition and take to council,” she said.

“My sister and I spent two days going to all the houses in our neighbourhood.”

City of Gosnells mayor Olwen Searle said it was encouraging to see a young resident showing enthusiasm and taking steps to beautify the area where she lives.

“I’m always really pleased to hear of young people like Alicia making an effort to participate in local government,” she said.

“This sort of active involvement in the city’s processes reinforces that the next generation cares about where they live and wants to make sure the city meets their needs now and into the future.”

Ms Searle said Dowitcher Loop Reserve had been identified for enhancement in the city’s Public Open Space Strategy.

“The reserve is currently undeveloped and isolated by the Armadale railway line and Canning River making it difficult to access other public open space,” she said.

“Increasing residential density nearby has also resulted in limited backyard space for children to play.

“These factors have created the demand for the reserve to be upgraded.”

The city has created a concept plan for the reserve, which includes a playground and shade sails, a basketball backboard, a drink fountain, pathways and substantial plantings and landscaping.

Work on upgrading the reserve was expected to begin before the end of the year subject to finalisation of funding and approvals.