State boundary changes no big deal

State boundary changes no big deal


Politicians were unfazed by proposed changes to electoral boundaries for the 2017 state election.

Canning Vale would be ceded to an enlarged Jandakot electorate renamed Brearley and the Riverton electorate would move west under the proposed changes.

Member for Riverton Mike Nahan’s electorate would partially leave the City of Canning.

It would take on Bull Creek, Brentwood and Mount Pleasant while ceding Parkwood and Riverton east of Riley Road to Member for Cannington Bill Johnston’s electorate.

The Canning Vale portion of the Riverton and Southern River electorates would both go to the larger Jandakot electorate, currently held by Joe Francis.

Mr Francis’ electorate would also gain the growth areas of Harrisdale, Piara Waters and Forrestdale in the City of Armadale while ceding Atwell, Aubin Grove, North Lake, Bibra Lake and South Lake.

Mr Johnston’s Cannington electorate would also cede Wilson to Victoria Park but gain a portion of Welshpool.

Most of the changes would be advantageous to Mr Johnston, Mr Francis and Dr Nahan with Dr Nahan and Mr Francis gaining strong Liberal voting areas.

Mr Johnston would gain a strong Labor voting area with Parkwood the only polling booth Dr Nahan lost to Labor in the 2013 state election.

All three politicians were unconcerned about the changes.

Dr Nahan said there was a strong link between Bull Creek, Mount Pleasant and Brentwood with the electorate of Riverton.

“Residents are interested in similar issues including education at Rossmoyne senior high school and many support the extension of Roe Highway given the number of trucks on our local roads,” he said.

“They also share similar shopping patterns, transport routes and are generally located within the same sporting zones.”

Mr Johnston said the changes wouldn’t make much difference.
“I’d be very pleased to represent the people of Parkwood and I’d be certainly very happy continuing to represent the people of Wilson so there’s no political advantage or disadvantage of these changes.”

Mr Francis saw no problems with the proposed changes.

“If the draft boundaries become reality I would be delighted to represent even more of the southern growth areas, including Harrisdale and Piara Waters,” he said.

“I represent my community by working hard and that’s why I don’t see any problems, problems are for people that don’t know how to find solutions.”

Before finalising the boundaries, the office of electoral distribution commissioners was calling on the public to comment on the proposals.

Submissions were welcome by August 24.