‘Spend to stimulate’

‘Spend to stimulate’

Greens candidate for Cannington Elliot Thompson says infrastructure spending is the best way to promote growth.

Croupier and Greens candidate for Cannington Elliot Thompson wants more infrastructure spending to stimulate growth and reduce unemployment.

Mr Thompson, who has been a union delegate for his profession for the past five years, said politics needed better candidates to counteract the mismanagement of the state.

He said his greatest concerns were with the unemployment and underemployment situations affecting the state as a whole, as well as the rising cost of living and stagnant wage growth.

“We need better infrastructure investment, such as rail and full scale fibre to the home NBN,” he said.

“The construction of these massive projects provides full time jobs and a stimulus to the economy due to the spending of the newly employed workers.”

He said however he did not support Roe 8.

“It is not planned well enough to provide the long term jobs that a rail or NBN project would provide, not to mention the destructive effects it will have on the environment of the remaining wetlands we have in Perth,” he said.

“We need to start pushing the federal government to start fixing the dogs breakfast they have made of the NBN.”

He said he would also focus on wages.

“We also need to stop attacking the wages and conditions of some of the poorest workers in our community, specifically Fast food, Retail, Hospitality workers as well as our invaluable carers,” he said.

“These people are already struggling as it is and eroding their wages and conditions, such as removing penalty rates for example, will only hurt us as a society in the long run.

“Better paid workers are happier and contribute more to the community than stressed out poor ones.”

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