Head bush for the Christmas markets

Head bush for the Christmas markets

Bedfordale Residents Association secretary Caralyn Lagrange, Charlotte and BRA president Elizabeth Reed with ducks Huey, Duey and Louie and gosling Ralph. Children are invited to contribute names for the chicks at the November 26 Bedfordale bush markets. Photograph – Kelly Pilgrim-Byrne.

Later this month the Bedfordale Bush Markets will celebrate its first anniversary with a bush Christmas theme.

The markets were started last year by the Bedfordale Residents Association in an effort to increase community engagement.

Association secretary Caralyn Lagrange said the bush markets were making a difference and attracting locals.

“A connected friendly, supportive and inclusive community spirit is evolving despite many people’s reluctance and resistance to socialise, volunteer and so forth,” she said.

“When you make something really attractive as we are doing with our markets people not only attend and engage in the market but also become inspired and desire to become involved.”

She said it was WA’s first and only bush market.

“Free children’s activities include our regular nature play as well as cuddles with cute goslings, ducklings and chicks,” she said.

“Junkadelic will run a recycled instrument making workshop for the kids from 9.50am to 10.50am and at 10.30am the local branch of the wildflower society will conduct a one hour wildflower walk through the local bushlands surrounding Bedfordale Hall.”

Santa will also help out with the Bedfordale Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade’s sausage sizzle.

Market-goers will be able to stock up on eggs, Butcher’s Block paddock to plate pork and Sawyer’s Apiaries honey.

The bush markets will be held at Bedfordale Hall, Admiral Road, Bedfordale on November 26 from 8am to 1pm.

For more information call Ms Lagrange on 0475 707 288.