Hands off dog areas, says councillor

Hands off dog areas, says councillor

Canning councillor Patrick Hall and Charlie. Mr Hall said he would do his best to protect a dog exercise area in Shelley as the city investigates a cafe proposal. Photograph - Aaron Van Rongen.

Bannister Ward councillor Patrick Hall said he would try to keep the off-lead exercise area at Watersby Crescent on the Shelley Beach Foreshore Park unchanged if the city supports a cafe development in the area.

“I have made it very clear that I would strongly oppose any changes to the foreshore precinct which might adversely affect the current dog off-lead areas,” he said.

A former chief executive of the Shenton Park Dogs’ Refuge, Mr Hall said he had made a commitment to residents to do what he could to protect the area on the Shelley Beach Foreshore Park.

“Shelley does not have sufficient off-lead areas in which residents can exercise their dogs, and that is why it was incredibly disappointing that a recent petition by local residents to extend the off-lead dog area along the foreshore toward Shelley Bridge had not been supported at council,” he said.

“That was indeed a lost opportunity for the community.”

The petition was signed by 36 residents and asked the city to link two off-leash areas between Beryl Avenue and Linkwater Street west and between Linkwater Street east and Shelley Bridge.

Council rejected the petition 9-2 with Mr Hall and councillor Ben Kunze in support of the change, and said extending the off-leash area could conflict with cyclists, picnickers and kayakers, and could interfere with native plants and animals.

Save Shelley Beach Park Group Facebook page member Ron Poole emailed council in July requesting clarification that the existing off-lead area would be preserved if a cafe was developed on the foreshore.

In his email Mr Poole said he was concerned about considerations to develop the cafe on or in close proximity to the off-lead exercise area.

Mr Poole said he was concerned the existing dog park area was the most likely place for the development.

“Clarification would be greatly appreciated,” he said.

The City of Canning said it was creating a community consultation plan to review the proposal and had not made any decisions on the placement of the cafe.

“No decisions have been made about the future uses of the area including the possible development of a cafe or the location of dog exercise areas,” a spokesperson said.